D A G G E R F A L L Offset List v1.01 ENGLISH (02/08/97) BY MORDOR You will need any hex editor to perform these cheats. Select one of 6 save directories. With editor load savetree.dat file. Savegame file length changes during game. To find hero record search for his/her name. First record of Name it also the start of hero record. For example: 1. Open 'savetree.dat' 2. Search for 'Marius' (that's my hero) 3. Name is found at 10970 (2ADAh). Hero record start there. HERO RECORD: ============ Offs Example Name Type Description ======================================================================= +00 (2ADAh) NAME C +20 (2AFAh) STR WORD If you applied a patch +22 (2AFCh) INT WORD game may limit max value +24 (2AFEh) WIL WORD to 100 +26 (2B00h) AGI WORD +28 (2B02h) END WORD +2A (2B04h) PER WORD +2C (2B06h) SPD WORD +2E (2B08h) LUC WORD +30 (2B0Ah) STR WORD These are probably max +32 (2B0Ch) INT WORD values so better keep both +34 (2B0Eh) WIL WORD exactly the same +36 (2B10h) AGI WORD +38 (2B12h) END WORD +3A (2B14h) PER WORD +3C (2B16h) SPD WORD +3E (2B18h) LUC WORD +40 (2B1Ah) Gender BYTE +41 (2B1Bh) Tranportation BYTE +43 (2B1Ch) Race +7C (2B56h) Health WORD You may try number larger +7E (2B58h) Max Health WORD than 500 +80 (2B5Ah) Portrait BYTE +81 (2B5Bh) Level BYTE +85 (2B5Fh) Gold LONG You may have 2,147,483,647 but hero strength would be too low to carry it +8D (2B67h) Mana WORD +8F (2B69h) Max Mana WORD +91 (2B6Bh) Rep. with Underworld +93 (2B6Ch) Rep. with Nobility +95 (2B6Eh) Rep. with Scholars +97 (2B70h) Rep. with Merchants +99 (2B72h) Rep. with Commoners +9D (2B77h) Medical WORD +A3 (2B7Dh) Etiquete WORD +A9 (2B83h) Street WORD +AF (2B89h) Jump WORD +B5 (2B8Fh) Orc WORD +BB (2B95h) Harpy WORD +C1 (2B9Bh) Giant WORD +C7 (2BA1h) Dragon WORD +CD (2BA7h) Nymph WORD +D3 (2BADh) Deadric WORD +D9 (2BB3h) Spriggan WORD +DF (2BB9h) Centaur WORD +E5 (2BBFh) Impish WORD +EB (2BC5h) LockPick WORD +F1 (2BCBh) Merchant WORD +F7 (2BD1h) PickPocket WORD +FD (2BD7h) Stealth WORD +103 (2BDDh) Swim WORD +109 (2BE3h) Climb WORD +10F (2BE9h) BackStab WORD +115 (2BEFh) Dodging WORD +11B (2BF5h) Running WORD +121 (2BFBh) Destruction WORD +127 (2C01h) Restoration WORD +12D (2C07h) Illusion WORD +133 (2C0Dh) Alteration WORD +139 (2C13h) Thaumaturgy WORD +13F (2C19h) Mysticism WORD +145 (2C1Fh) Short Blade WORD +14B (2C25h) Long Blade WORD +151 (2C2Bh) Hand-Hand WORD +157 (2C31h) Axe WORD +15D (2C37h) Blunt WORD +163 (2C3Dh) Archery WORD +169 (2C43h) Critical Hit WORD +230 (2D0Ah) Resistant to BYTE Paralysis 00000001 Magic 00000010 Poison 00000100 Fire 00001000 Frost 00010000 Shock 01000000 Disease 10000000 +231 (2D0Bh) Immune to BYTE Paralysis 00000001 Magic 00000010 Poison 00000100 Fire 00001000 Frost 00010000 Shock 01000000 Disease 10000000 +232 (2D0Ch) Low Tolerance BYTE Paralysis 00000001 Magic 00000010 Poison 00000100 Fire 00001000 Frost 00010000 Shock 01000000 Disease 10000000 +233 (2D0Dh) Critical Weekness BYTE Paralysis 00000001 Magic 00000010 Poison 00000100 Fire 00001000 Frost 00010000 Shock 01000000 Disease 10000000 +234 (2D0Eh) Flags1 WORD AccuteEarring 0000000000000001 Athletism 0000000000000010 Adrenalina 0000000000000100 Sun Damage 0000000000010000 Holy Damage 0000000000100000 Regen SP 0000000001000000 SP in Dark full 0000000000000000 rededuced 0000000010000000 none 0000000001000000 SP in Light full 0000000000000000 reduced 0000000100000000 none 0000001000000000 Total SP x 3.0 0000000000000000 x 2.0 0000010000000000 x 1.75 0000100000000000 x 1.5 0000110000000000 x 1.0 0001000000000000 +236 (2D10h) BYTE Rapid Heal in light 00000001 in dark 00000010 general 00000100 +237 (2D11h) BYTE Regen Health in light 00000001 in dark 00000010 in water 00000100 general 00001000 +239 (2D13h) BYTE Spell absorb no 00000000 in light 00000001 in dark 00000010 general 00000100 +23A (2D14h) BYTE + Hit Undead 00000001 + Hit Deadra 00000010 + Hit Human 00000100 + Hit Animals 00001000 Phobia Undead 00010000 Phobia Deadra 00100000 Phobia Human 01000000 Phobia Animals 10000000 +23B (2D15h) Forbidden material WORD Iron 0000000000000001 Steel 0000000000000010 Silver 0000000000000100 Elven 0000000000001000 Dwarven 0000000000010000 Mithril 0000000000100000 Admantium 0000000001000000 Ebony 0000000010000000 Orchich 0000000100000000 Deadric 0000001000000000 +23D (2D17h) Expert in BYTE Short blade 00000001 Long blade 00000010 Hand to Hand 00000100 Axe 00001000 Blunt weapon 00010000 Missile 00100000 +23E (2D18h) Forbidden weapon/armor WORD None 0000000000000000 Short blade 0000000000000001 Long blade 0000000000000010 Hand to Hand 0000000000000100 Axe 0000000000001000 Blunt weapon 0000000000010000 Missile 0000000000100000 Leather 0000000001000000 Chain 0000000010000000 Plate 0000000100000000 Buckler 0000001000000000 Rnd Shld 0000010000000000 Kite Shld 0000100000000000 TowerShld 0001000000000000 ======================================================================= RACES: ====== 00 Breton 01 Redguard 02 Nord 03 Dark Elf 04 High Elf 05 Wood Elf 06 Khajiit 07 Argonian 08 Vampire 09 Werewolf 0A Wereboar DISCLAIMER: THIS DOCUMENT OR ITS AUTHOR IS IN NO WAY CONNECTED IN ANY WAY WITH BETHESDA OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES OR PARENT COMPANIES. USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. Savegame editor will be soon available as FREEWARE. All above information is used to write it. It's a part of my Saved Game Editors Pack. If you know something to make this document better please send your comments to: mordor@opnt.optimus.wroc.pl ENJOY,