Note: This page has been moved to the new UESP-Wiki. The same content, just a different presentation.
This page very likely contains outdated information (last updated in 2005).
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Updates History (Jan 1999 to July 2000)

09 February 2011

To reduce the size of the Updates History Page, this page was created to hold the older update entries. See this page for any changes made after July 2000. For changes made before January 1999, see the Updates History (Apr to Dec 1998)

7 July 2000
Vacation Time
I'll be on vacation for about three weeks as I head back home for bit. More updates about all the stuff I missed when I return.

2 July 2000
Pete Hines Interview
Voodoo Extreme has a Interview with Pete Hines about Morrowind.

Chance to Participate
There have been a number of posts on the Official Morrowind Forum by the Bethesda developement team asking for input about a number of things. Some of the topics I've found are listed below:
  1. Armour Types
  2. Clutter/Junk/Kipple Suggestions
  3. Magical Item Names
  4. So Hard They're Not Fun CRPGs
Don't miss your chance to help participate in the creation of Morrowind and be sure to check out the official forum regularily as there's surely more to come.

Would the Real Please Stand Up?
If you're IP address is please give me an e-mail ASAP (you can check your IP address in windows by clicking Start, then Run, and typing WINIPCFG, then Ok). Every couple of days you have been trying to download the entire site for some reason, which would be ok, but your software starts creating bad requests which can cause problems with poor m0use. If you don't contact me within the next week we will have to ban your IP (which we don't really want to do). Thanks...

New Poll
Finally added a new voting poll (below) about how you would rate this site.

Morrowind Developement Team
I've created a MW Developement Team page listing the various people working on the game. If there are any omissions or errors, just let me know.

24 June 2000
Todd Howard Interview
Gamespot has a very iteresting Todd Howard interview you won't want to miss. Todd Howard is the project leader for Morrowind, was the project leader for Redguard and also worked on Daggerfall.

GT Noonan Interview
Check out an informative interview with GT Noonan (Bethesda artist and ES demi-god) over at TES Gurus.

Morrowind Screenshots
If you haven't seen all the latest Morrowind screenshots, be sure to check them out!

Morrowind Unofficial FAQ
An excellent Unofficial Morrowind FAQ has been created by Gavin Carter over at Destination Morrowind.

Updated Links
I've finally updated the Elder Scrolls Links Page removing all the old and invalid sites and adding a couple new ones. If you know of a site that should be there, just let me know.

CGI Update
I've updated and reinstalled some CGIs and still working on others. Sorry for any problems this has caused the past week, will be finished shortly.

17 June 2000
Morrowind Official Site
The Official Morrowind site at has been updated and includes a bunch of great new screenshots and an official forum with all sorts of good information.

Morrowind Construction Set
The word I hear is that Morrowind will come with a complete editting package (check out the Morrowind site for some screenshots of it). Of course this means that we will have even less of a life than when Daggerfall came out (and couldn't be happier about it).

TESGurus Site
If you haven't seen the TESGurus Site yet, go on over and check it out. Created by a bunch of old Elder Scrolls fans, such as Skeleton Man, it contains lots of good information and is updated regularily (although is still under construction in some parts).

Finally Returned
Well, I'vew finally returned from my 2 and a half months working in Africa and will be around another three weeks before my vacation time. Hopefully I'll get caught up on all the work I've missed.

E-Mail Problems
I've lost about 2 months of e-mail due to a problem with my account, so if I didn't reply to your e-mail, its not because I didn't want to (feel free to resend anything).

CGI Problems
I've removed all CGIs temporarily from the web site as some of them were being targetted in hacker attacks against poor m0use. Sorry for any problems this causes but I'll be looking into the problem with softwind and correcting it ASAP.

28 April 2000
World of Tamriel Update
I've been working lately on the World of Tamriel area, adding a lot of content and changing the design slightly. Look for more updates over the coming weeks.

Work Trip Extended
My work trip to North Africa has been extended from the original two weeks to 9 weeks or so now. I do have limited (and slow) internet access so I'm still around.

31 March 2000
Work Trip
I'll be gone on a work trip to Northern Africa over the next two weeks at least. I may get a chance to update the pages, but might not.

30 March 2000
Morrowind Screenshots
A new interview with artwork and 4 screenshots has been put up over at the Adrenaline Vault. The same screenshots can also be found at the updated ElderScrolls.Com web site. All I can say is WOW! I have a hard time believe some of these are actual screenshots from the gaming, uterrly amazing, and the game is still far from completion.

25 March 2000
Morrowind Screenshots
Word is that some Morrowind screenshots will be found in the next month issues of several gaming magazines (such as Computer Gaming World). Hopefully there will be some screenshots that will be released to web sites. I'll be sure to have more information when I hear it.

Official Elder Scrolls Site
Check out the Official ES Site for updates in the near future.

Message Boards
I've gone from using my own custom message board to one provided by EZBoard. Check out the new Message Boards for all the latest discussions.

Script Problems
There have been a few problems with the various scripts on the site (such as the voting) and they will be unavailable until I can figure out the solution.

My Absence
I do apologize for my absence over the past few months. With not a whole lot of new information to post on the site and a new job I've been neglecting the site (not to mention EverQuest). As more information on Morrowind is released I'll be spending more time with the site...honest!
3 February 2000
Bethesda Interview
Da GameBoyz has an Interview with Bethesda's Pete Hines (Director of Marketing and Public Relations) and Todd Vaughn (Director of New Business Development). Nothing specific in the way of Morrowind other than mentioning they won't be officially announcing the game for some time.

31 January 2000
Morrowind Information
Just a little note to get you all caught up in the latest Morrowind rumours. Current release date is sometime in 2001 as the design time for the game was longer than initially expected. Screenshots and other information are possibly being released shortly, perhaps by a game site or magazine. Whatever news I find I'll be sure to post here, hopefully some new artwork and features not seen elsewhere.

New Survey
A new survey has been added to the site (see below) asking the you which Elder Scrolls game was your favorite. Take a moment and let us know your opinion!

Some of the time I spent in the past couple months has been with EverQuest, a terribly addicting game. I'm proud to say I have a lvl 49 dwarven cleric, Reorx Holybeard (affectionately known as the Lord of Unrest), on the Tunare server. Feel free to look me up sometime for a few spells or coins.

30 January 2000
Site Updates
I have returned from a lengthy retreat from the site to continue with its updates, hopefully as often as before. I do not have as much time to spend as in the past but I still hope to keep the site the place for all your Elder Scrolls news.

Bethesda Site
The official Bethesda site at has been updated with a new look but still no information about Morrowind.

25 September 1999
Site Search Fixed
Just noticed that site search script wasn't working so I fixed it and it should be working fine now.

Personal News
Just a reminder that for any related news about myself (such as my upcoming trip) will be posted on my personal web page at www.m0use.netdave/.

18 September 1999
New Personal Pages
I've finally created some personal pages about myself and my various interests. Check it out at Dave's Abode - www.m0use.netdave/.

28 August 1999
Finally Back
Well, I've finally got my internet connection at my new place (an ADSL line) but have been quite busy from moving, school, and my new job. I'll be updating again, slowly, as time permits. There are a number of new pages updated on the right bar which I hadn't been able to upload until now, including a short Baldur's Gate review.

Personal News
As some of you may be aware, I've recently 'finished' my Masters and have started a job in Mississauga (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). Truth be told I actually started work before I finished my Masters thesis and defense so I've been very busy juggling finishing school stuff, moving, and starting a new job. I work at the Pressure Pipe Inspection Company (PPIC) which developes and operates a new technology to non-destructively inspect prestressed concrete pressure pipes. The company is one-of-a-kind and is just now starting to receive attention and new jobs so I'll be travelling around much of time (hence updates may seem slow at times). Anyways, thought I'd just pass this on for those interested...
26 July 1999
For those interested in finding me in EverQuest, I'm on the Tunare server using the character Reorx Holybeard, a level 40 cleric. Look me up sometime and I'll give you some free buffs.

25 July 1999
No, I'm Not Dead
Yes, the rumours of my demise have been greatly exagerated (fortunately). The past few months have been quite busy for me as will the next few weeks. The combination of finishing my masters of Physics thesis (woohoo!), getting EverQuest, and vacation time occupied the last couple months. I now have a job in Toronto which will involve moving and getting a new internet connection and all that. I hope to move sometime next week and have no idea when I'll be back online (no T1 for me anymore, looking for a cable modem connection hopefully).

Anyways, I'm slowly getting back into things. My IN folder contains some 600 e-mails so it will take some time to go through them all (urk). I will try my best to answer all that need to be answered. Once the e-mails are taken care of I'll start back with the updates. Thanks...

24 April 1999
Well, the title says what I've been doing recently. This is one addicting game and certainly well worth the 10$/month fee if you can afford so. Feel free to look me up in the Tunare server under the name Reorx.

Morrowind - Interview with a Dalf Elf
I recently met up with an interesting dark elf and had an informative Interview with him. Check it out for some insights into the land of Morrowind.

World of Tamriel
I'm pleased to announce that the World of Tamriel section has been taken over by FrostyFlame. He'll be working on updating things so take a look.
7 April 1999
Andy Taylor No Longer With Bethesda
I just found out that Andy Taylor, lead programmer on Redguard and Morrowind, is no longer with Bethesda Softworks. I don't know any details about his departure (why he left and where he's going) or how this affects Morrowind developement. I'll certainly let you know when I learn of any furthur information.
6 April 1999
Magic and Mayhem Site
I just took a look at the Official Magic and Mayhem site over at Bethesda. They have a number of impressive screenshots and a few movies/music to download. The game is looking to be quite a good real time strategy game.

RPG Reviews
A few more reviews added to the site's RPG Review page with hopefully several more on their way. If you'd like to contribute an entire or even just part of a review (comments, features, a few screenshots, or whatever), please feel free.

New Site Poll
Another site poll has been created...finally. This time I'm asking about what type of Morrowind preview would you prefer to see. The last poll was a good success and seemed to indicate that people have been quite pleased with Bethesda's software titles, a point which I'm sure they'll be glad about.
5 April 1999
Morrowind Concept Art
A few more pictures are up in the Morrowind Concept Artwork page. I also redesigned the page slightly to make it easier to navigate.

Tamriellan Pantheons
I got my hands on an excellent list and description of Tamriellien Gods, so take a look. Perhaps some of those names will be seen in somewhere in Morrowind.

Old Arena Interview
Thanks to Ranger for donating an old Arena Interview with Bethesda he dug up on his hard drive (dated back to June 1994).

Redguard Walkthrough
A bunch of updates to the Redguard walkthrough once again, thanks to Ranger. I'll hopefully get more done as I continue to finish the game again.
1 April 1999
Just thought I'd post something to let you know I'm still around. Lately I've been busy programming various things and will for some time to come. Nothing much new to report in the Elder Scrolls world... check out the several new and updated sites in the panel to the right. No Morrowind news...yet, although you may want to check out The WormHoLE for various news bits and pictures from GT.
24 March 1999
New, Unrelated, Linux Site
On the whim of a slightly good idea, I've created the Linux Comparison Project web page. Check it out if you are slightly Linux inclined.
22 March 1999
Bethesda News
A bit of news about Bethesda and Morrowind can be found at Desslock's RPG News. Thanks to Kether of the Daggerfall News Page for this bit of info.

Stros M'Kai
Another excellent fan site has been added to m0use. The Shores of Stros M'Kai is a well designed Redguard site. Update your bookmarks and check it out.

UESP Site Poll
I've run out of good ideas for a new site poll. If you have any ideas or suggestions, just Let Me Know...Thanks.

Several Redguard areas have been updated once again.
16 March 1999
World of Tamriel Area
Unfortunately, I've been neglecting the World of Tamriel area due to lack of time. Everything is pretty much ready for use but the actual content has to be added. If any knowledgable and dedicated citizen would like to work on it, just Let Me Know. No HTML/web page experience is nessecary, just familiarity with the world of Tamriel. Otherwise, I'll get around working on it someday...

Fantasy Dimensions
For those who haven't found it yet, check out Alrin's Fantasy Dimensions web page with RPG related artwork, stories and other things. Also take a look at his Daggerfall News Page for the latest events in the DF community.

Daggerfall Books
The DF Books page has been updated to include links to most of the books. Thanks to Tengu for making his Online DF Books available.

Arena Items List
The Arena Items List page, containing close to 2200 items and their store locations has been updated and redesigned. Each item type is on a seperate page making it a little easier to navigate.
15 March 1999
Morrowind Concept Art
Another brand new Morrowind art picture up on the MW Concept Art page.
10 March 1999
Morrowind Concept Art
Four new Morrowind art pics up on the MW Concept Art page. Also added the MW Pocket Guide page consisting of the pages from the Pocket Guide to the Empire which Bethesda released as a preview to Redguard some time ago.
8 March 1999
I apologize for the lateness of this update...I've been working on a 'big' update and some enitivable delays came up. Hopefully soon, so stay tuned.
Redguard Updates
The usual abundance of Redguard updates are present. Added the RG SYSTEM.INI since several people inquired about the SYSTEM.INI file and the options therein.

Daggerfall Stores Database
A start of the DF Stores Database page has been started. Although most of the store data hasn't been added yet, this page will let you sort and display lots of DF stores in various manners. Will hopefully add the bulk of the stores database created by Cypher shortly.
25 February 1999
Counter Stats
The Site Statistics page now shows the counter stats for the HTML documents, downloadable files, and images in seperate catagories. The counter has been quite useful so far in determining which areas are receiving the most hits, and thus, where I should concentrate my efforts.

Main Page Design
Slight update to the main page, although I'm still not sure I like it...sigh.

Redguard Updates
The Redguard Characters, Redguard Bestiary, and Redguard Walkthrough pages have been significantly updated again.
24 February 1999
RPG Reviews
The first complete RPG review of the game Return to Krondor has been added to the Site Reviews page. Many thanks to Alrin for his very complete review. More game reviews will be added as time permits.

22 February 1999
Redguard Updates
Many update to the Redguard pages, and much more to come. The Redguard Characters page has been updated with some new NPCs from the game, and I'll be adding more as I play through it again. Similarily, the Redguard Bestiary has been created for all the NPCs and creatures you face on your journey. A few pages in the Redguard Walkthrough have been updated, and the rest will be improved in the near future for a more complete guide. The Redguard Map page has been started and will contain a complete map of the island with all the points of interested clearly labelled.

RPG Reviews
I've finally started the RPG Reviews section on the site like I've been planning/wanting to for a while. Not much there at the moment, but over the near future I hope to add brief reviews of recent, and older, RPGs (in order to help you determine what's the best way to waste some time until Morrowind is released...:). If you'd like to contribute a full or partial review on a CRPG, just Contact Me.

19 February 1999
Morrowind Interview
Check out the Morrowind Interview on the HOA site with several locals from the land (ie, the developers at Bethesda). Very interesting so go and take a look. Also note that the HOA is expecting some more art for the game soon.

17 February 1999
  1. Finally added the item cheats for Redguard on the Redguard Cheats page.
  2. Lots of other little updates on various pages and scripts.

16 February 1999
The BattleRealm
The BattleRealm, run by Lord Ravana, has also made m0use his new home at As usual, the site is updated regularily with all the latest RPG and gaming news.

Customize Site
A few options to customize the appearance of the site, among other things, can be found on the Customize Site page (requires Javascript/cookies).

  1. Updated the Site FAQ finally.
  2. Updated the Site Info page and added the Site Statistics page which includes a display of counts for all the pages in the site.

14 February 1999
Plan Site Update
I've received 40+ emails supporting the plan site but the more the merrier. E-Mail Me a short message supporting this and I'll forward it on to the appropiate people at Bethesda...

Julian Lefay
The original creator and lead programmer of the Elder Scrolls series has resurfaced over at Fenris Wolf. He's involved in creating a Traveller CRPG, a sci-fi pen-and-paper RPG which evolved around the same time as the original AD&D. Thanks to the TES for this bit of news.

I've finally updated the Morrowind section removing much of the outdated information and adding a few goodies, like a concept map which popped up over at the TES. Much more to come in the upcoming weeks and months so stay tuned. Make sure you check out the art and preview section for lots of new stuff. Also note the standard image display page I whipped up for displaying images (no more ugly screenshots on a white background).

Hall of Adventurers
The HoA has completed a big update along with some great information on Morrowind.

I Need Help...
Several times in the past I've called for anyone willing to aid me maintain this site, unfortunately with no success. Qualifications are't that strict, you just have to be quite familiar with HTML, an avid Elder Scrolls fan, and a little extra time. If interested, E-Mail Me for more information. Thanks... I can still maintain the site by myself but often things are left much longer than I wish them to be. Also, in the upcoming months I'll be working on my Masters of Physics thesis so time for me might become very tight. An extra head/hand or two around would help emensemely.

  1. The omission of the Chapter 3 Suggestions page in the major overhaul has been corrected.
11 February 1999
Major Overhaul
Although it may not look so at first glance, but the entire site has gone a quite thorough overhaul. All files have been converted to SHTML and all scripts have been updated. This took quite some doing as you can imagine, but hopefully everything still works minus the few links I'm sure I forgot to change. Although it doesn't change the appearance, this will make the site easier to manage among other things. Here are a few of the things which have changed or were added.
  • 99% of the files use the identical header and footer files. This, along with the much improved style sheet, creates a much more consistent site design which I've been aiming for. It will also greatly simplify changing the design if I so desire.
  • I've finally added a counter to every page like I've been wanting to for some time. This will allow me to see which pages are used most/least. The counter is text included via the SSI so don't worry about pages loading more slowly. It can be found at the bottom of every page. I'll try to get a simple viewing script working so the stats for all the pages can be viewed by anyone.
  • I've created a simple Contact Form to make it easier to submit comments or contributions to the site. It also includes a few nifty things like telling me which page the user came from in order to better help me reply.
  • All the changes will make the 'plans' I'm considering for the near future more possible.
  • Future changes include creating a custom SSI wrapper for all of the regular text files on the site so a counter can be included for those as well. Also a counter of some sort for all the downloadable files (editors, patches, etc...).
Above all, I'm still trying to maintain small file sizes and compatability with most browsers and versions (definitely not an easy thing to do). Generally any browser that supports style-sheets will be able to successfully view the site as I intend it to. Without a style-sheet capable browser thing might look a little plain, but still viewable. While javascript is not required to view the site, there are a few sections which do make good use of it and is recommended.

If you'd like to comment on the changes or point out a broken link or error (there always seems to be one somewhere), feel free to use the nifty new Contact Form, Thanks!

For the few of you that do have accounts in MyUESP section, the above changes may break much of that section and prevent it from working. At any rate the MyUESP will most likely be phased out in the future changes.

Message Board
The Message Board script was completely changed and display format improved slightly. Because of this, all the previous messages have been deleted. This was much easier given the 40+ messages present. Please, do feel free to use the discussion area to post anything you desire, not nessecaril limited to just ES topics. I'll do my best to use it more myself since I admit to having neglected it in the past.

Plan Site Update
The response has been good to the Bethesda plan site news, but please continue to send in e-mails to support it. The more we get, the more likely it will happen.

  1. A couple of nice vampire playing tips added to the DF Vampire/Lycanthropy page.
  2. Small update to the furniture stores section on the DF Hints page.
  3. Added a new Daggerfall savegame editor, DagEd v1.28 to the DF Files Area. Lots of great features so check it out if you can.
9 February 1999
Bethesda Plan Site
The developers of Morrowind at Bethesda are trying to get the suits to put back up the Bethesda plan site. This would allow the developers to give unofficial and personal news to all the Elder Scrolls fans. What is needed is to make known that there is public interest in the plan sites. What you can do at present is E-Mail Me a short 'give us a plan site' letter and I'll compile and send them on towards Bethesda. We need as many contributions as possible so tell your friends and make it known.


6 February 1999
Bethesda News
Check out this interesting News from Gamespot concerning Bethesda producing the PC fantasy-strategy game Magic & Mayhem:Duel (to be released in US sometime in March?).

Sons of Tempus News
The Sons of Tempus Baldurs Gate guild is now under the direction of myself and Andel from the TES. It has been moved to a new location, Sons of Tempus. If you'd like to play a little BG with some ES fans, feel free to join up. We try to hold weekly meetings Satdurday and Sunday at 9pm EST, and Wednesday at 7PM EST on the #Tempus channel on

Arena Items List
Received a great contribution for Arena from Monte Bascom -, an items list with close to 2000 records in it, wow! I've added the Arena Items Page to list all of them, sorted by item, material, and effect (Note: close to a 300kb file).

New Poll
Sorry for letting the last poll about Redguard go for so long, I couldn't think of another good one to put up (perhaps I should done a poll for a poll). It went quite well at any rate. The new poll asks the question of how satisfied you have been with any of the Bethesda software titles (not nessecarily just the Elder Scrolls).


22 January 1999
WebGM Update
The previous download of WebGM didn't work because I foolishly included the debug version of the EXE but included the release version of the DLLs...oops. The new download has the corrected release EXE and will hopefully run correctly.

18 January 1999
Baldur's Gate
Finally got the game last weekend, and wow, what a game. If you are any sort of RPG gamer you gotta look into getting it. I seem to have got it relatively cheap up here in Canada, especially for what it comes with (5 CDs and the game manual I've seen, two maps, quick reference, etc...). The game itself was only 54$CA, compared with the 70-80$ for the usual new game (typically), and on top of that the store gave me a 15$ mail-in-rebate, bringing the total to just 58$ with taxes. I don't think I've ever payed that little for a new release. Anyways, enough ranting for now...;) Interesting in playing the game online with a few ES friends? Jump over to to take a look at a start of a BG guild, The Sons of Tempus.

Introducing WebGM
The past week or so I've been working on a project I've been wanting to try for a long time. WebGM is an attempt at creating an online program allowing people to play an online role-playing session (you know, one person is a GM/DM, each has a character etc... AD&D is one popular system). Anyways, if you'd like more information, including the first downloadable version, hop on over to the WebGM Page on this site. It would be great if several, or many, could take a look at it and tell me what they think. Also, I'd like to get a bunch of people together to test an online session or two. Enjoy...

Yes, m0use was down for a few days due to a power outage in the Bethesda area I hear from TES. Hopefully that's it for a while.

Updated E-Mail
For those who like short e-mails, I can now be reached at This is exactly the same as the regular Actually, the aj589 may be shortened in the near future I hope.

Much closer to getting caught up finally.
  1. Lots of new suggestions added to the Chapter 3 Suggestion page.
  2. An excellent Daggerfall FAQ is available at

13 January 1999
Redguard Editor BETAs
The BETA versions of the Redguard Texture and the Redguard Savegame editors for Win95+ and WinNT 4.0+ are available (around 800kb each). They are classified as BETAs because although I know they work fine on my computer, I don't know if they work on anyone elses. Just download, unzip into a temp directory, and run the SETUP.EXE that comes with each. If you get any error messages or if the programs simply don't run, please contact me ASAP so I can fix it. Thanks...

I picked up the Thief game a week or so ago since I was so impressed with the demo. This is a particularily good game and would reccommend it to anyone who enjoys action/rpg games. It is a unique game in the fact it is really a '1st person sneaker' as they call it, and not a regular 1st person shooter. If you try to run around and kill everything ala Quake you won't get far. Needless to say, its one of those addicting games that eats up a persons time (which is why I haven't got many updates done lately).

  1. Minor updates to the DF Hacks, DF Cheats, and Redguard Bugs pages.
  2. Tons more stuff when I have time...sigh.

4 January 1999
Redguard Demo
Check out the February issue of the PC Gamer magazine for a 65MB demo of the game.

Redguard FAQ
Just a reminder that the Official Redguard FAQ is on the official Bethesda web site to answer your most common questions about the game. It also links to the Redguard Technical Database with lots of questions and answers to graphics and sound problems.

Elder Scrolls Site
Check out the Christmas wishes from Bethesda on the site. Click on the image to see the first ever released sketch from Morrowind. There will be more updates to the Elder Scrolls site in the future so stay tuned.

m0use Downtime
The m0use server was down for a few days from the 1st due us switching providers I believe. Hopefully we shouldn't have any more problems for a while.

  1. Added my Redguard Review finally.
  2. Check out the simple savegame editor for Redguard in the Redguard Files Area.

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If you have any problems, suggestions or comments on this page or website, please feel free to use the Contact Form to send a message to the WebMaster.
This document was last modified on: Wednesday, 09 February 2011, at 21:22:01 and has been accessed 4634 times ( /espold2.shtml ).

Please note that this site is Completely Unofficial and is in no way connected to Bethesda softworks or Zenimax. Bethesda Softworks, Battlespire, XnGine, Morrowind, Redguard, Daggerfall, Arena and The Elder Scrolls are trademarks of Media Technology Limited, Copyright © 1994-2001 Media Technology Limited.